Sanctuary Our Lichen’s Mother the Sorrowful, Queen of Poland in Licheo Stary – a center of Marian cult of national and international importance, located in the village of Licheo Stary in central Poland. The sanctuary is associated with Marian apparitions and the miraculous image of Our Lady of Lichen. The complex consists of churches, chapels, monasteries, a cemetery, a stone Golgotha, part of the Józef Jarzębowski Museum, the Museum of Basilica Construction, the Lichen Center for Family and Addicts Assistance, the Hospice named after Stanisław Papczyoski, The Centre for Marian Formation “Salvatoris Mater”, the Pastoral Care of Youth and Vocations, the Pope House, the spring, numerous statues and monuments as well as other sacred objects and pilgrimage infrastructure.
The main church of the sanctuary is currently the Basilica of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Licheo in Licheo Stary. Religious from the Congregation of Marian Fathers perform their ministry there. The beginning of the sanctuary was given by Marian apparitions (from the first half of the nineteenth century), which were witnessed by Tomasz Kłossowski and Mikołaj Sikatka.